[imp] imp message templates

Strimpakos Giorgos strimpak at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 29 12:13:01 UTC 2012

I want to ask if this is a bug, or a logical error, or a 
misconfiguration by me.

When I firstly create a folder named Templates (or I set 
$conf['user']['autocreate_special'] = true;  to imp configuration file) 
then I see I folder where I could create templates and use them for 
future messages.

When I try to create my first template, I cannot save it but it has only 
*Send* Action and *Save as Draft* Action.

I tried to save it as a draft, and move it to template folder by drag 
and drop.

By this point when I want to add a new template it gives me these to 
options and when I try to use a template It gives me only the Save 
Template Action.

I think that this is a logical error. When Someone wants to add a 
template he should be able to save the template and when he wants to use 
it he should be able to send it or save it as a Draft.

Giorgos Strimpakos

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