[imp] IMAPPROXY protocol logging trace not working

Aria Bamdad aria at bsc.gwu.edu
Wed Dec 5 15:15:17 UTC 2012


This is just an FYI for anyone else that may run into this problem.
Apparently, with the newer versions of HORDE/IMP (I am using Horde 5 and IMP
6.02), when IMP logs into the IMAP server, via IMAPPROXY, the user name is
passed as a  quoted string, which is perfectly valid.  In older versions,
the user name was not quoted.  So, if you plan to run a protocol trace using
IMAPPROXY XPROXY_TRACE command and see no trace output, it is because you
need to provide your user name to trace using a double quote.  In other
words, the command:

   XPROXY_TRACE myuser  

would work before but with the newest release of horde/imp, you need to use

   XPROXY_TRACE "myuser" 


I think a good update to IMAPPROXY would be to have it test the user name
against both quoted and unquoted formats internally.  I will send the
developer this suggestion.

Hope this is helpful to others.


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