[imp] imp dynamic scrolling issue

Vikas Parashar vikas.parashar at fosteringlinux.com
Thu Feb 28 09:01:12 UTC 2013


Since last few days, i am suffering from imp dynamic view performance. My
user is complaining me. If they are opening their INBOX and doing scrolling
down. It will take around 1 minutes to come on desired location. I think,
there was some problem with buffering. Could any body please let me know
How can i rid out from it.

Using IMP 5.0.19.

important parameter for this in conf.php.

$conf['dimp']['viewport']['buffer_pages'] = 10;
$conf['dimp']['viewport']['viewport_wait'] = 1;

Thanks & Regards:-
Vikas Parashar
Sr. Linux administrator Cum Developer
Mobile: +91 958 208 8852
Email: vikas.parashar at fosteringlinglinux.com

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