[imp] New Mail Notification [H5.0.4/I6.0.4]

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Mon Apr 8 18:12:47 UTC 2013

I'm testing IMP 6.0.4 to replace my existing IMP instance.

It is really a huge improvement  - but from my testers, and for myself,
I've gotten complains that new mail notification does not work.  I get
no sounds with sounds configured and no pop-up notification either.
Just no notification at all.

Is there a trick/bug to get new mail notification working?  I have a
poll interval of five minutes.  I've made sure the popup-blocker is

Any tips are appreciated.

Adam Tauno Williams  GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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