[imp] 6.1.0-git

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Fri May 17 19:14:13 UTC 2013

Quoting Rui Carneiro <rui.arc at gmail.com>:

> Another question about the new spaming method/config.
> Is it possible to flag and move messages to the spam folder without any
> email/program set on backend.php?

Yes, but not out of the box.  The backends config is setup so that an  
admin can create custom drivers to do what they want, and then  
directly insert these drivers into the config.  See the IMP_Spam_Base  
information in the backends.php file.

It would make sense to create a 'null' action that ships with the base  
code that allows an admin to define a driver that does nothing and  
reports success based on the configured value for that 'null' action.
> Currently those two settings are NULL on my backend.php and the spam button
> do nothing.

Don't set them to null.  Remove the entry entirely instead.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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