[imp] Spam Button

Simon B simon.buongiorno at gmail.com
Fri May 24 09:46:09 UTC 2013

On 24 May 2013 11:27, Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
> Zitat von Simon B <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:
>> On 24 May 2013 10:24, Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
>>> Zitat von Simon B <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:
>>>> On 24 May 2013 04:38, Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org> wrote:
>>>>> Quoting Simon B <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:
>>>>>> On 21 May 2013 15:00, Simon B <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>> Please can someone review my imp/config/backends.local.php and
>>>>>>> provide
>>>>>>> a hint why the spam and not spam buttons are not showing.
>>>>>>>     'spam' => array(
>>>>>>>          'innocent' => array(
>>>>>>>              'display' => true,
>>>>>>>         //     'email' => null,
>>>>>>>              'email_format' => 'digest',
>>>>>>>              'program' => '/usr/bin/spamassassin -k %u'
>>>>>>>          ),
>>>>>>>          'spam' => array(
>>>>>>>              'display' => false,
>>>>>>>              'email' => 'submit at spam.spamcop.net',
>>>>>>>              'email_format' => 'digest',
>>>>>>>              'program' => '/usr/bin/spamassassin -r %u'
>>>>>>>          ),
>>>>>> Additionally, since I changed the backend.local.php with these changes
>>>>>> I now have to log in to imp after logging into horde.  It's like it's
>>>>>> reading backends.php and not the .local one at all..
>>>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root www-data  21K May 17 09:14 backends.local.php
>>>>>> -r--r-----  1 root root      21K May 17 09:11 backends.local.php.bak
>>>>>> -r--r-----  1 root root      20K May 17 06:53 backends.local.phpold
>>>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root root      20K May 19 06:47 backends.php
>>>>>> I'm pretty sure it's a not file permission or spelling error.
>>>>>> I'd still appreciate some debugging tips please.
>>>>> Short of you debugging the actual PHP code that displays the Spam
>>>>> button,
>>>>> there's not much else we can do.  And nobody else has reported this
>>>>> problem.
>>>> Michael
>>>> Is there some variable or line I can put in the code or the config to
>>>> debug this?  As you know my php skills are not strong.
>>>> I find it disconcerting that after moving to this new format of
>>>> backends.local.php I have to auth with imp after authenticating with
>>>> horde.
>>>> Simon
>>> You probably have a broken configuration in backends.local.php. Post the
>>> complete file.
>> Thanks Jan.
>> <?php
>> // Advanced example - mainly here to demonstrate the syntax of all
>> available
>> // options
>> $servers['advanced'] = array(
>> // Disabled by default
>> 'disabled' => false,
>> 'name' => 'Advanced IMAP Server',
>> 'hostspec' => 'localhost',
>> 'hordeauth' => 'full',
>> 'protocol' => 'imap',
>> 'port' => 143,
>> 'secure' => 'tls',
>> 'maildomain' => 'example.net',
>> 'smtp' => array(
>> 'auth' => true,
>> 'debug' => false,
>> 'localhost' => 'localhost',
>> 'host' => 'mail.example.net',
>> // 'host' => 'localhost',
>> 'port' => 587,
>> 'password' => null,
>> 'username' => null
>> ),
>> 'spam' => array(
>> 'innocent' => array(
>> 'display' => true,
>> // 'email' => null,
>> 'email_format' => 'digest',
>> 'program' => '/usr/bin/spamassassin -k %u'
>> ),
>> 'spam' => array(
>> 'display' => false,
>> 'email' => 'munged at spam.spamcop.net',
>> 'email_format' => 'digest',
>> 'program' => '/usr/bin/spamassassin -r %u'
>> ),
>> // // It is possible to directly define additional spam drivers.
>> // // The 'drivers' array should contain a list of driver objects
>> // // (these classes must implement the IMP_Spam_Base class).
>> // 'drivers' => array(
>> // new IMP_Example_Spam_Driver()
>> // )
>> ), 'admin' => array(
>> // 'user' => 'cyrus',
>> // 'password' => 'cyrus_pass',
>> // 'userhierarchy' => 'user.'
>> ),
>> 'acl' => true,
>> 'cache' => false,
>> // 'debug' => '/tmp/imp_imap.log',
>> // 'debug_raw' => false,
>> 'quota' => array(
>> // 'driver' => 'imap',
>> 'params' => array(
>> 'hide_when_unlimited' => true,
>> 'unit' => 'MB'
>> )
>> ),
>> 'special_mboxes' => array(
>> IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_DRAFTS => 'Drafts',
>> IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_SENT => 'Sent',
>> IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_SPAM => 'Spam',
>> IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_TEMPLATES => 'Templates',
>> IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_TRASH => 'Trash',
>> // IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_USERSPECIAL => array(
>> // 'Example' => _("Example Special Mailbox")
>> // )
>> ),
>> 'autocreate_special' => 'true',
>> );
> Looks fine to me.

And to me - that's why I came looking to the great and the good on the list!


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