[imp] Reply and Forward windows broken with certain mail messages

Ruben Squartini ruben at auger.org.ar
Mon May 27 15:38:09 UTC 2013

Hi Michael!

After setting up the latest "-git" version of Horde 5 (5.1.0-git +
6.1.0-git) (pulled few minutes ago), problems related to preview are fixed,
but the same mails are not visible in either Forward or Reply windows.
Either in HTML or Text only composition.

Could you check if you can do the same kind of wrong charset detection in

In the 6.0.4, going from HTML to text showed the contents of the message in
the composition window, now that is not the case anymore.

Both the customer and us are pushing this migration, then any
information/feedback/testing you need is first in our task list.


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