[imp] Problem detecting attachments

Philipp Fäustlin philipp.faeustlin at uni-hohenheim.de
Thu Jul 11 09:34:41 UTC 2013

Am 09.07.2013 05:36, schrieb Michael M Slusarz:
> Quoting Philipp Fäustlin <philipp.faeustlin at uni-hohenheim.de>:
>> I have a problem, that Horde doesn't detect *.pdf attachments in 
>> multi part emails.
>> I first have to go to "show all parts" and then I see the attached 
>> *.pdf  as shown in following list.
>> Alternative
>>    - Text
>>    - Mixed
>>       -- Text
>>       -- 507.pdf
>>       -- Text
>> The source of the email also says:
>> ----------------
>> Content-Type: application/pdf; name=507.pdf
>> Content-Disposition: attachment; size=67383; filename=507.pdf
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
>> ------------------
>> but Horde won't detect it as attachment.
>> I use the Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 5.1 (Imp 6.1.2).
>> Do I have to change some config?
>> Is this email not RFC conform?
> It was most certainly sent by Apple.  And it is known they have sent 
> broken multipart/alternative parts since forever.
> That being said, the attachment *should* show up.  We will display the 
> multipart part in this instance if ANY of the sub-parts are visible.  
> However, both of the text parts under the mixed part are most likely 
> marked as "attachment" (and/or you have alternative viewing set to 
> plaintext preferred).  PDF's are always treated as an attachment 
> (there is no way to view them inline natively/cross-browser).  Thus, 
> we fall back to the first text part.
> The **entire** purpose of using multipart/alternative is to hide all 
> the display details from the end user.  You absolutely can't hide 
> "attachments" under an alternative subpart because there is no 
> guarantee that this part will ever be displayed.  In this case, the 
> PDF is *not* an attachment; it is an alternative way to display text 
> to the user.
> michael
> ___________________________________
> Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]
Yes the email was sent by Apple, but I can reproduce the same "fault" 
with an email sent through horde webmail.

As example:

In horde I write an email in HTML format. I write my text and then I put 
an *.pdf and *.jpg per drag and drop into the email.

The *.jpg is shown as expected, but the *.pdf is only shown as small 
unidentifiable symbol.

Receiving this test email I see the *.jpg and the unidentifiable 
symbols, but no hint, that there is an *.pdf attatched to this email and 
no way to download it.

First I have to klick on "All Parts" to see/download the attached pdf. 
That's no good, because users don't want to klick on "All parts" to get 
to the *.pdf.

So for me there is a bug, either in not showing the *.pdfs as attachment 
or in letting me writing such "wrong formated" email.



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