[imp] Interest in Sponsoring "fetchmail capability" for Horde 5/Imp 6
Luis Felipe Marzagao
lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 01:33:03 UTC 2013
Em 05-08-2013 03:19, Michael M Slusarz escreveu:
> Quoting azurIt <azurit at pobox.sk>:
>>> Is there anyone else on this list that would be willing to help fund
>>> development of a "fetchmail capability" ? (ie, same end result as the
>>> old fetchmail, only done differently)
>> First we need to know how much money is needed. Michael?
> As mentioned previously, this is a multi-week project, at least from a
> project planning perspective. And that doesn't include the bug-fixing
> that is likely to be significant, given the fact that this is 1) an
> invasive UI change and 2) is involving connections to remote servers.
> That being said - this is something I personally would *really* like
> to see in IMP also, so I am willing to provide a discount and
> prioritize this over some other activities I am currently involved in.
> I would implement for $3,000 USD. Conditions:
> * It will be implemented as described in:
> http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/8077 (i.e. this is *not* a fetchmail
> capability - no messages will be transferred to the "master" account.
> Instead, this is a way to access multiple mailboxes at the same time
> while leaving the messages in those accounts).
> * This won't be available for IMP 6.1. This will go into 6.2, at the
> earliest.
> This might be an interesting use-case for using a service like
> Bountysource (https://www.bountysource.com/).
I'm willing to help funding this. I can contribute with $300 USD. I
think the bountysource idea is good.
Luis Felipe
> michael
> ___________________________________
> Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]
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