[imp] Fundraising: IMP Multiple Accounts Feature

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Mon Aug 5 23:33:26 UTC 2013

----- Message from Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org> ---------
    Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 13:40:33 -0600
    From: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
Subject: [imp] Fundraising: IMP Multiple Accounts Feature
      To: dev at lists.horde.org, imp at lists.horde.org

> All,
> Recently on the IMP mailing list, several individuals have  
> identified the desire for an ability to access multiple accounts  
> from within a single Horde/IMP session.  I reported that this has  
> been on the IMP TODO list for sometime, but would be a complex and  
> time-consuming undertaking and one that would need to be funded in  
> order to occur.
> There was positive feedback about going the crowdfunding route, so  
> it has been decided to attempt this method to see if it can succeed.  
>  Not to mention, this is an interesting social experiment regarding  
> this new method of driving innovation at an open source software  
> level.
> The fundraiser page can be found here:
> http://tilt.tc/Evs2
> Important note: NOBODY is charged unless the full funding level is reached.
> (Side note: I initially was going to use bountysource as the host,  
> but they charge 10% regardless of whether the project reaches its  
> goal or not.  In other words, if the goal is not reached everyone  
> who pledged would receive a refund minus 10%.  Obviously I am  
> hopeful that this won't be an issue since we will be successfully  
> funded, but it is entirely unacceptable to charge people for nothing  
> in case this doesn't happen -- thus the move to Crowdtilt, which  
> only charges if successful.)
> Thanks everyone,
> michael

The ball is rolling... signed up and $100 committed.


Simon Wilson
M: 0400 12 11 16
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