[imp] Select All Mails check box reg.

Oscar del Rio delrio at mie.utoronto.ca
Sat Aug 24 14:20:29 UTC 2013

On 23/08/2013 7:03 AM, ANANT S ATHAVALE wrote:
> The check box for selecting all messages and individual messages is not
> alligned vertically.  There is a small shift to the right for the 'Select
> All' check box.

I'm not an expert in css but I believe the css property you are looking 
for is in /themes/default/screen.css

.horde-table-header th, table.horde-table td, table.horde-table th {
     height: 21px;
     margin-left: 5px;
     padding: 0 5px;

Changing "padding:" to "0 2px" seems to align the box better.
If you are using css caching, delete the cache so that you can see your 
You might want to make your own, custom theme so that your changes are 
not overwritten by updates.

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