[imp] Special Mboxes

Rodrigo Abrantes Antunes rodrigoantunes at pelotas.ifsul.edu.br
Fri Dec 20 11:34:34 UTC 2013

Hi, I've set in backends.php the following:

$servers['advanced']['autocreate_special'] = true;
$servers['advanced']['special_mboxes'][IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_DRAFTS] =
$servers['advanced']['special_mboxes'][IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_SENT] =
$servers['advanced']['special_mboxes'][IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_SPAM] = 'spam';
$servers['advanced']['special_mboxes'][IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_TRASH] = 'trash';

But independently from what names I set here it always create the following
for new users:

I realized that when I set the following in prefs.php the correct folders
are created.

$_prefs['drafts_folder']['value'] = 'drafts';
$_prefs['sent_mail_folder']['value'] = 'sent';
$_prefs['spam_folder']['value'] = 'spam';
$_prefs['trash_folder']['value'] = 'trash';

But in backends.php documentations is said:

special_mboxes: ....These values override the default preference values for
a backend.

So why the correct folders are created only when I set the preferences?

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