[imp] How do I print the contents of mail as shown in Preview or new window

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Thu Jan 30 03:47:23 UTC 2014

Quoting ANANT S ATHAVALE <asa at isac.gov.in>:

> Dear List,
> Some of my users have a requirement of printing the mail displayed in
> preview frame or new window, exactly as shown in the preview or in new
> window.  When opened in new window, browser print option is not available
> (at least in Firefox). 
> Just wanted to know, is there a way to print the contents as shown in the
> preview or new window?  If it is not there, what is the alternate way
> which may be used to achieve the same?

This is not available.  Blame Chrome and Firefox (since you can't  
print HTML messages since they won't print IFRAMEs correctly).


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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