[imp] Kronolith in mobile version - can't add events?

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Mar 5 20:55:26 UTC 2014

Quoting Brett Charbeneau <brett at wrl.org>:

> Quoting Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk <at> horde.org>:
>> The mobile version of Kronolith is currently read only.
>      That would explain it all right.
>      Could you possibly point me in to the URL that states this so I  
> can look there for future issues to see the present version's  
> limitations?

Off hand, not sure if it's listed anywhere currently. The mobile view  
for Kronolith was essentially a sponsored proof of concept. Read/Write  
was not part of what we were paid for.

>      Also, where is the best place to watch for announcements on  
> things like when Kronolith will become writable in the mobile  
> version and when themes for H5 are available? Neither application  
> homepages nor the wiki seem to have this information...

One of the mailing lists: horde.org/community/mail

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