[imp] Mail printing - confirmation of my guess...

Arjen de Korte arjen+horde at de-korte.org
Tue Mar 25 11:44:25 UTC 2014

Citeren ANANT S ATHAVALE <asa at isac.gov.in>:

> Yes. I want to take print of my own sent mails having addresses in  
> Bcc.  Please confirm, the lines which I am trying to comment will  
> get me?  I don't want to unnecessarily meddle with code on a  
> production system.  So, just wanted confirmation by experts.

If I understand correctly from previous messages, you have a userbase  
of several hundred users. In that case, setup a system dedicated for  
testing purposes and do your testing there. I have learned the hard  
way recently that going live without testing new stuff first in *my*  
environment is a very bad idea. It was no fun having to explain why  
ActiveSync was broken for several hours.

Your users will thank you for trying out new releases *before* rolling  
them out in production. Or at the very least, won't chew you out  
(which is almost as good for a mailserver administrator).
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