[imp] Hook to fill alternative e-mail address

Bruno Furtado brunofurtado at brunofurtado.net
Fri Aug 1 16:06:47 UTC 2014

Hi Oscar,

Yes there is.
The goal is to force users who has not filled their password recovery
information to do so.
There is a preferences group called forgotpass. This preference group
has three preferences, security_question, security_answer and
alternate_email. So, the idea is create a hook which request the user to
fill these preferences if empty.

On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 4:11 PM, Oscar del Rio <delrio at mie.utoronto.ca>

> On 06/27/14 02:14 PM, Bruno Furtado wrote:
>> I want to have a alternative email address for each client and I think
>> that
>> the best way is fill it on the first client login.
>> How can I create a hook to fill alternative e-mail address on first login.
> See horde/config/hooks.php.dist
> You can set any user preference ("function prefs_init") such as
> "from_addr" and "fullname".
> But is there an "alternative email address" preference other than
> "from_addr"?
> --
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Bruno Furtado
55 21 98897-2908 (TIM)

LinkedIn: http://linkd.in/brunofurtado

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Use Cco (ou Bcc) !
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