[imp] Reply-To-Identity

Jens Grüntjes jens.gruentjes at ebira.de
Wed Mar 18 08:44:11 UTC 2015


I have two different mail addresses, let's say jens at domain.com and  
jens at otherdomain.org. Furthermore I have created six different  
identities, four of which are connected to the first address (let's  
call them A, B, C, D), two or which are connected to the second one  
(E, F). The letters A-F stand for the identities in the drop-down menu  
in the "Compose New mail"-window in the order in which they appear.

When I reply to a mail which is sent to jens at domain.com I would like  
to configure IMP as to to identity D as default. IMP now always uses  
identity A in the reply. I know that I can tie particular  
sender-addresses to an identity so that every mail from this address  
is replied from the chosen identity but that's not what I want.

Can I change the order of the identities so that identity D comes  
first in the list? It looks to me as if the first identity is always  
the default. For the address jens at otherdomain.org IMP always uses  
identity E which in my case is a reasonable default.

Thanks for any help

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