[imp] Mobile (Smartphone/Tablet) Inbox display fails for email below "answered" email

Andy Dorman adorman at ironicdesign.com
Wed May 20 17:02:29 UTC 2015

I have searched for anyone else reporting this and could not find 
anything...I also looked at the change descriptions after our versions 
below at 

So my apologies if I missed it or this is caused by an incorrect jQuery 
version again like happened last January.

We are running Debian packages...Php 5.6.7, Horde 5.2.5, Imp 6.2.2 and 
using jquery-mobile 1.3.2

In all web browsers we have tested, in the Mobile (Smartphone/Tablet) 
mode, if your Inbox has any email that has been "answered", the 
"answered" email and email below it in the list of emails will NOT 
display and the js error and trace below can be seen in the js debug 

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 
1 is not of type 'Node'.

s.extend.clean @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:4
s.buildFragment @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:4
s.fn.extend.domManip @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:4
s.fn.extend.append @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:3
(anonymous function) @ smartmobile.js?v=78c7e583:641
i.extend.each @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:2
ImpMobile.refreshMailbox @ smartmobile.js?v=78c7e583:580
ImpMobile.viewport @ smartmobile.js?v=78c7e583:523
ImpMobile.runTasks @ smartmobile.js?v=78c7e583:1507
s.event.dispatch @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:3
s.event.add.u.handle.a @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:3
s.event.trigger @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:3
(anonymous function) @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:3
i.extend.each @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:2
i.fn.i.each @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:2
s.fn.extend.trigger @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:3
HordeMobile.doActionComplete @ smartmobile.js?v=be5cf1cd:110
$.extend.success @ smartmobile.js?v=be5cf1cd:76
s.Callbacks.d @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:2
s.Callbacks.v.fireWith @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:2
S @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:4
s.support.ajax.s.ajaxTransport.send.r @ jquery.min.js?v=be5cf1cd:4

We have at least one user with an Apple iPad that insists that he can 
only use Mobile (Smartphone/Tablet) mode.  He has not been happy with 
our suggestions to try dynamic or another email client to read his IMAP 
email.  ;-)

Thank you for any thoughts about what could be causing this.

Andy Dorman

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