[imp] Forward message with attachments - attach like in original message

trash at skrilnetz.net trash at skrilnetz.net
Fri Jun 19 14:19:36 UTC 2015


I'm forwarding an email with a few attachments in it.
The forwarded message (with attachments) is attached in a link. Like this:

  Attachments (links Will Expire On 12/31/2015):

   *   FORWARDED MESSAGE (7.1 MB) [message/rfc822]
link: https://example.com/horde/imp/attachment.php?id=55842356-54b4-40f1-99ee-6dd65f55256f&u=foo[1]

I want the attachements to be in the forwarded message (like in the
original email) and not the whole message attached with an link.
Can this be changed?


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