[imp] Compose mode HTML/Plaintext based on selected identity
Michael J Rubinsky
mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Sep 7 14:38:37 UTC 2016
Quoting Lukas Gradl <horde at ssn.at>:
> Hi!
> Unfortunatly I've to use HMTL-Mails for one of my identities.
> Is it possible to preselect HTML or plain-text mode according to the
> selected identity?
> I'd like to get the following behaviour:
> I stay on Text-Mode as a default in my IMP-settings.
> I get an email to the address that requires HTML. I click on answer,
> the right identity is already preselected (that works perfect). Now
> I'd love to have the checkmark on HTML-Mode already set (which
> dosn't happen now, unless I select HTML as the default creation
> modem, but then its set for the identities I want no HTML too).
> The second case is I open the create message window, select the
> identity that requires HTML - then I would love to have HTML
> selected in that case too....
> Ist at least one of the two behaviours doable with imp?
> Could someone point me to the right direction please?
This is not currently possible, but feel free to open an enhancement
ticket on https://bugs.horde.org.
> regards
> Lukas
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