[imp] Disable virtual folders
Christian Schoepplein
c.schoepplein at musin.de
Fri May 12 12:38:25 UTC 2017
Hi Mike,
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 06:40:30PM +0000, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>Quoting Christian Schoepplein <c.schoepplein at musin.de>:
>> is it possible to completely disable virtual folders in IMP with horde
>> 5.2.14 and IMP 6.2.18?
>Try setting the 'vfolder' pref in imp/config/prefs.local.php to something
>like 'a:1:{i:0;C:25:"IMP_Search_Vfolder_Vinbox":18:{a:1:{s:1:"v";i:1;}}}' and
>then lock it. Note that this will not affect any user who has already set
>this preference - you will have to manually remove the vfolder pref values
>from the preference backend.
This approach is working to not longer display virtual folders, but when
searching through the mails in IMP there is still the
possebility to store the result in a virtual folder and this folder is
shown at least as long as the user is logged in.
So the setting above does only afect the display of virtual folders.
What I was looking for is a possebility to completely disable virtual
folders in every part of horde and its applications, but it seems that
there is no such setting :-(.
Cheers and have a nice weekend,
Christian Schoepplein
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