[ingo] Fwd: Re: Deleting filters (from faq@horde.org)

Matthew Baker m at wheres.co.uk
Tue Aug 19 10:32:24 PDT 2003


Michael M Slusarz wrote:
> Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:
> | 3) Way to filter on words in a subject line or body (should exist).
> This is is Ingo HEAD and in IMP since 3.0.

I don't have an option to search the body of messages. I'm using Horde, 
Imp, and Ingo HEAD updated just a minute ago.

What could I be missing? ( apart from a brain =)

Also I'm getting this error when selecting Size from fields.

Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/www/wm/ingo/rule.php on line 207

If I remove the available tests (e.g. the "greater than" etc) from 
ingo/config/fields.php it works ok. There were no differences between 
the newer dist file for fields.php nor were there any conflicts when 
merging cvs. I last updated on Aug 6.



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