[ingo] Ingo with timsieved / Can't follow referral to sieve://imap-be1

Andre Boehm andre at gaarden.net
Mon Jan 17 03:53:19 PST 2005

Stefan Schleifer schrieb:

> Can't follow referral to sieve://imap-be1, The error was= Success 

I had similar problems with my Cyrus Murder setup.
I could find the problem in pear-Net-Sieve, and following change made 
referrals working for me.

This is the original /usr/local/share/pear/Net/Sieve.php, starting from 
line 949:

if (preg_match('/^bye \(referral "([^"]+)/i', $line, $matches)) {
// Check for referral, then follow it.  Otherwise, carp an error.
         $this->_data['host'] = $matches[1];

I fixed it by changing these lines into:

if (preg_match('/^bye \(referral "(sieve:\/\/)?([^"]+)/i', $line, 
$matches)) {
// Check for referral, then follow it.  Otherwise, carp an error.
      $this->_data['host'] = $matches[2];

I hope this helps.

André Böhm

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