[ingo] Re: procmail: vacation
Volker Then
vt at then.net
Mon Mar 7 02:48:33 PST 2005
That is not the problem. The LDAP server is set up exactly that way. As
I said,
other procmail scripts work correctly, like forwarding and moving of
e-mails to
subfolders. Only the vacation script makes the problem when it comes to
the vacation mail. The vacation.lock file is created as it should be in
Quoting Marcos Monge <mmonge at gmail.com>:
> This is not a problem of ingo / vacation, is a problem of how you
> implement your virtual users in the server. Anyway, you can solve the
> problem:
> You need to configure nss-ldap in the unix server.
> You must add "ldap" in the passwd line in /etc/nsswitch.conf.
> Also you need to configure the correct ldap information in
> /etc/ldap.conf (server, basedn, etc).
> After that, if you are using standard attributes in the ldap server
> (uidNumber, gidNumber, cn, homeDirectory, and userPassword), you can
> use "getent passwd" command to test if you see all your users with the
> /etc/passwd format, that are read from the ldap server. If you are not
> using this attributes name, you can map it in /etc/ldap.conf.
> Best regards
> Marcos
> On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 17:13:52 +0100, Volker Then <vt at then.net> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm running Horde 3.0.2, Ingo 1.0.1 and IMP 4.0.1 quite successfully on
>> a server machine with courier imap, Maildir and procmail. But there
>> seems to be a minor problem with the vacation script for procmail
>> generated by Ingo.
>> As long as a normal system user (unix users as defined in /etc/passwd)
>> is addressed everything works fine, the vacation message is generated
>> and sent out. The problem is with the LDAP users:
>> The LDAP users don't have system uids and gids, the whole user structure
>> takes place in /home/clients/, like for example:
>> /home/clients/clientname/clientuser-1/Maildir and
>> /home/clients/clientname/clientuser-2/Maildir
>> Everything in that /home/clients folder is owned by the unix user and
>> group named "clients".
>> The clientusers are all defined in the ldap server. Postfix and
>> everything else works fine with that. Normal procmail scripts like
>> filtering and forwards are all well interpreted, but the vacation script
>> only generates the lock file in Maildir/, but no vacation message is
>> sent back. I put VERBOSE=on but do not recognize anything unusal, see
>> the attached procmaillog.
>> I would appreciate any suggestions.
>> Thanks.
>> Volker
>> The logfile(I replaced my email address with vt at mydomain):
>> procmail: Executing "ls -lcn --time-style=+%s 'vacation.vt at mydomain' |
>> awk '{ print $6 + (86400) }'"
>> procmail: Assigning "FILEDATE="
>> procmail: Executing "date,+%s"
>> procmail: Assigning "DATE=1109865146"
>> procmail: Executing "test $FILEDATE -le $DATE && rm 'vacation.vt at mydomain'"
>> procmail: Assigning "DUMMY="
>> procmail: Match on "^To:.*vt at mydomain"
>> procmail: Match on ! "^X-Loop: vt at mydomain"
>> procmail: Match on ! "(^(Mailing-List:|Precedence:.*(junk|bulk|list)|To:
>> Multiple recipients of
>> |(((Resent-)?(From|Sender)|X-Envelope-From):|>?From
>> )([^>]*[^(.%@a-z0-9])?(Post(ma?(st(e?r)?|n)|office)|(send)?Mail(er)?|daemon|m(mdf|ajordomo)|n?uucp|LIST(SERV|proc)|NETSERV|o(wner|ps)|r(e(quest|sponse)|oot)|b(ounce|bs\.smtp)|echo|mirror|s(erv(ices?|er)|mtp(error)?|ystem)|A(dmin(istrator)?|MMGR|utoanswer))(([^).!:a-z0-9][-_a-z0-9]*)?[%@>
>> ][^<)]*(\(.*\).*)?)?$([^>]|$)))"
>> procmail: Locking "vacation.lock"
>> procmail: Executing "formail,-rD,8192,vacation.vt at mydomain"
>> procmail: Non-zero exitcode (1) from "formail"
>> procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=formail -rD 8192 vacation.vt at mydomain"
>> procmail: Unlocking "vacation.lock"
>> procmail: Executing " (formail -rI"Precedence: junk" \
>> -A"X-Loop: vt at mydomain" \
>> -i"Subject: Autoresponder VT" ; \
>> echo "I will be out of office from March, 2 til March 4."; echo
>> ""; echo "" \
>> ) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t"
>> procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER= (formail -rI"Precedence: junk" \
>> -A"X-Loop: vt at mydomain" \
>> -i"Subject: Autoresponder VT" ; \
>> echo "I will be out of office from March, 2 til March 4."; echo
>> ""; echo "" \
>> ) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t"
>> procmail: Assigning
>> "LASTFOLDER=/home/clients/mydomain/vt/Maildir/new/1109865146.4318_1.mydomain"
>> procmail: Notified comsat:
>> "high502 at 0:/home/clients/mydomain/vt/Maildir/new/1109865146.4318_1.mydomain"
>> >From xxxxxxxx Thu Mar 3 16:52:26 2005
>> Subject: fgfdgdfs
>> Folder: /home/clients/mydomain/vt/Maildir/new/1109865146.4318_1. 1713
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