[ingo] removing the "forward" default rule

Nicolas Schmitz Nicolas.Schmitz at ec-nantes.fr
Thu Jun 9 02:46:20 PDT 2005

>>thanks, but can you tell me exactly where ?
>>I have tried to remove
>>i:3;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:7:"Forward";s:6:"action";i:' .
>>in $_prefs['rules']
>That's the correct place. But it only works for new users of course.
Ok, but I get errors messages when I remove this ...

If I put this in prefs.php :

// filter rules
$_prefs['rules'] = array(
     'value' => 
'a:4:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:9:"Whitelist";s:6:"action";i:' . 
';}i:1;a:3:{s:4:"name";s:8:"Vacation";s:6:"action";i:' . 

then, I have some php error when I open the filter in horde :

*Notice*: unserialize(): Unexpected end of serialized data in 
*/var/www/horde/horde4/ingo/lib/Storage/prefs.php* on line *51*
*Notice*: unserialize(): Error at offset 184 of 185 bytes in 
*/var/www/horde/horde4/ingo/lib/Storage/prefs.php* on line *51
**Warning*: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in 
*/var/www/horde/horde4/ingo/filters.php* on line *102*
*Warning*: array_sum(): The argument should be an array in 
*/var/www/horde/horde4/ingo/filters.php* on line *102*
*Warning*: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in 
*/var/www/horde/horde4/ingo/filters.php* on line *112*
*If I already have a pref defined in mysql, I don't have the errors.


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