[ingo] Ingo 1.0.2 and IMP 4.0.4

Igor ingo.horde.org at knexe.de
Tue Jan 24 01:18:25 PST 2006

Hello together :-)

I'm installing a complet Horde-Framework on my Server. I'm very happy
about this very fine software.

Im using:
  IMP 4.0.4
  Ingo 1.0.2

But there is a litte Problem. my ingo/test.php says

imp: No (Have version: H3 (4.0.4); Need version: 4.0)

I cant imagine that ingo needs IMP 4.0 and doesn't work with 4.0.4.
Can I ignore this warning and use it together as well? I need Ingo to 
make fitlerrules and send it at localhost:sieve.

Thanks for reading and thinking about my problem

Igor :-)

PS: I'm only have scool-english-skills.. and this are although baaaad...
sorry for my bad writing ;-)

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