[ingo] migrate filters from sql to procmail?

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Sep 27 07:45:54 PDT 2006

Zitat von Markus Krause <krause at biochem.mpg.de>:

> Hi list!
> i would like to move the mail filtering rules, which right now are stored in
> mysql, to procmail to have all filtering done on the server side and
> mail-client independant. has someone ever done this and perhaps some
> hints/scripts/code-sniplets to share? ;-)

You are mixing things. There is a storage for (Ingo's) filter rules,  
either your preferences or an SQL database if you use a newer version  
of Horde. This storage is independent from your script backend  
(maildrop, procmail, sieve, etc.).


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