[ingo] "is" matching for Sieve

Liam Hoekenga liamr at deathstar.org
Tue May 22 20:50:05 UTC 2007

Our help desk has expressed dismay that the "is" match is described as

    IS:  Will be considered to be true if the specified string matches 
the line
      exactly. Example: user at example.com is user at example.com

but, in reality, it's not an exact string match.  We have users that 
want to match strings that contain commas.   E.g.,  spam that has 
subjects like...

    Cats eat mice, stop them!

or more specfically...

    , stop them!

We're using Horde 3.0.12 and Ingo 1.0.2 in production, and using...

  [ Subject ] [ is ] [ , stop them! ]

in the rules screen, generates a sieve rule that looks like...

     if header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :is "Subject" ["", "stop 
them!"]  {

which matches all sorts of stuff it shouldn't.

In Horde 3.2-cvs and Ingo 1.2-cvs, we don't even get that much.

  [ Subject ] [ is ] [ , stop them! ]


    if header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :is "Subject" ""  {

curiously, in both Ingo 1.0.2 and 1.2-cvs, the little pop-up that 
describes the rule when you hover over it in the rules management screen 
does describe the rule as the user intended..

    Subject is ", stop them!"
    Delete message completely

Mind you, I probably wouldn't create rules like this.. but users want 
what users want,  and the the rules like..

     is "Subject" ""

match everything.

Is this the expected behavior?  Should I file a bug report?


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