[ingo] Problems with convert_prefs_to_sql.php

Michael Menge michael.menge at zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Fri Jun 6 10:53:22 UTC 2008

I solved most of the problems

ingo_rules_seq was not created on demand. After creating it by hand
the memoryusage ist still growing, but is much smaller now.
The rules are converted as expected and shown on the webpage.

The 2. problem still exists

Quoting Michael Menge <michael.menge at zdv.uni-tuebingen.de>:

> Hi,
> We are in the proces of testing the new Horde-3.2 and Ingo-1.2.
> During the migration to the new SQL-Storage we encounterd some problems.
> 1. the memory usage of convert_prefs_to_sql.php is huge. The script
> hit the memorylimmit of 2GB after converting about 4500 users. We can
> split the users ins smaller packages but there might be some other
> probles und the memory usage is only the symptom and not the real
> problem.
> 2. The output of the script is only done at the end of the script,   
> so we don't
> see any progress during the converting process.
> 3. White-/Blacklists, Vacations and Forwards are convertet but there
> are no entries in ingo_rules. Is a sequence needed for the migration,
> we had the problem that the sequences where not created on demand, but
> we didn't see the
> error messages saw with the SQL share driver.
> 4. going to ingos filter-page shows no filters at all. Editing
> White-/Blacklists, Vacation or Forwards is possible by using the top menue.
> But filter-page stays empty and the created script only contains the leading
> comments. Switching back to the Pref-Storage works without problems.
> Has anybody had the same problems? And/or knows how to solve them?
> Regards
>        Michael Menge
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> M.Menge                                 Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
> Universitaet Tuebingen                  Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
> Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung          mail:
> michael.menge at zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
> Waechterstrasse 76
> 72074 Tuebingen

M.Menge                                 Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universitaet Tuebingen                  Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung          mail:  
michael.menge at zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Waechterstrasse 76
72074 Tuebingen
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