[ingo] mail upgrade

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Nov 24 10:07:49 UTC 2008

Zitat von Jason Keltz <jas at cse.yorku.ca>:

> Hi.
> I'm in the process of moving a bunch of users to Ingo.  Some of the  
> users have existing .forward files in their accounts.   These need  
> to be moved into Ingo so that they can be rewritten with the  
> procmail backend.  I know that I can update the mysql database  
> manually to add their .forward information, but this won't push the  
> creation of their .procmailrc including .forward.  I imagine this is  
> possible using the various horde/ingo libraries, but I wonder if  
> anyone has written a command line utility to do this?  I'm hoping  
> for a command like: "setforward <user> <address-to-forward>".

I have an over 3 years old, incomplete, untested script laying about.  
Maybe you could use it as a start for something that actually works.


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