[ingo] Problem with Sieve and global scripts instead of user scripts

josh at endries.org josh at endries.org
Wed Jan 21 15:30:16 UTC 2009

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
> This has nothing to do with Ingo.

Okay, that's what I was wondering.

> Exactly, that's how it works. But why would you need a Sieve script  
> for the admin user anyway? You have read the huge warning letters to  
> NOT use the Cyrus admin account for IMAP access, didn't you?

Well, I was under the impression that the warning was due to heavy  
server load from the server scanning all the mailboxes system-wide.  
Since my installation is tiny, that's not a big deal. I will just  
create a separate, dedicated admin user.


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