[ingo] Can't get Ingo to communicate with sieve on specified address

Karl Boyken boyken at divms.uiowa.edu
Fri Mar 6 17:25:10 UTC 2009

We're running Ingo 1.2.1 with Horde 3.3.3 and Imp 4.3.3.  I've tried 
changing 'preferred' and 'hostspec' in the Ingo backends.php file and 
restarting httpd, but I can't make Ingo change the address it uses to 
communicate with sieve.  Is there any other place where I would need to 
specify the sieve interface?  Thanks.


Karl Boyken, system administrator 
karl-boyken at uiowa.edu
303A MLH, Dept. of Comp. Sci. 
The U. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA  52242   319-335-2730 (voice) 
319-335-3668 (fax)
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