[ingo] procmail script

Didi Kressnig didimp at servus.at
Tue Aug 25 14:26:38 UTC 2009

On Friday 21 August 2009 15:55:08 Didi Kressnig wrote:
> Hi,

> if i want to create a filter named "muhh" f.e. to put all messages from
> didi at example.com into the folder didi, the procmail script that was created
> looks like:
>  1: # procmail script generated by Ingo (August 21, 2009, 3:40 pm)
>  2:
>  3:
>  4: ##### muhh #####
>  5: :0
>  6: * ^From:.*didi at example\.com
>  7: "$DEFAULT/./"
ouch, escapeshellcmd was disabled in my php.ini.

ok, i use the following setup in my dovecot.conf for mail_location:
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir:INBOX=/var/mail/%u

so i have to change in /lib/Script/procmail.php at line 755
from         return '"$DEFAULT/.' . escapeshellcmd($folder) . '/"';
to              return '"$MAILDIR/.' . escapeshellcmd($folder) . '/"';
MAILDIR is defined in /etc/procmailrc. DEFAULT is for the INBOX in 

now it works perfectly.

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