[ingo] two sieve servers

Antonio Casado Rodriguez acasado at ual.es
Fri Feb 1 08:46:44 UTC 2013

El 31/01/2013 10:34, David Fernández Acín escribió:
> Hi,
> We added the following lines to ingo/config/backends.local.php
> if ( isset($_SESSION['imp']) && $_SESSION["imp"]["0server_key"] == 
> "imap1") {
>         $backends['sieve1']['disabled'] = false;
>         $backends['sieve2']['disabled'] = true;
> }
> elseif ( isset($_SESSION['imp']) && $_SESSION["imp"]["0server_key"] == 
> "imap2") {
>         $backends['sieve1']['disabled'] = true;
>         $backends['sieve2']['disabled'] = false;
> }
> ----- Mensaje de Antonio Casado Rodriguez <acasado at ual.es> ---------
>  Fecha: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 11:47:08 +0100
>     De: Antonio Casado Rodriguez <acasado at ual.es>
> Asunto: Re: [ingo] two sieve servers
>   Para: ingo at lists.horde.org
>> El 30/01/2013 11:40, Ralf Lang escribió:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Am 30.01.2013 11:33, schrieb Antonio Casado Rodriguez:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have two imap/sieve servers configured to select at login (in
>>>> IMP: $conf['server']['server_list'] = 'shown'), and it's works ok.
>>>> $servers['imap1'] = array( 'name' => 'USERS A', 'hostspec' =>
>>>> 'imap1.ual.es', 'hordeauth' => true, ... $servers['imap2'] =
>>>> array( 'name' => 'USERS B', 'hostspec' => 'imap2.ual.es',
>>>> 'hordeauth' => true, ...
>>>> How I configure ingo/config/backends.local.php for use his correct
>>>> sieve server? Every imap server has one sieve server.
>>>> $backends['imap1'] = array( 'preferred' => 'imap1.ual.es',
>>>> 'transport' => 'timsieved', 'hordeauth' => true, ...
>>>> $backends['imap2'] = array( 'preferred' => 'imap2.ual.es',
>>>> 'transport' => 'timsieved', 'hordeauth' => true,
>>>> but it's not work. Can anybody help me, please?
>>>> Regards.
>>> What exactly are the results? I don't see a disabled=false line in
>>> your configs.
>> There are these lines ( 'disabled' => false in the four configs)
>> The results are:
>> - Users A works ok with imap1 and sieve1.
>> - Users B works ok with imap2, ingo try with imap1/sieve1 config
>> Regards. 

Does It work in IMP 6.0.3?


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