[ingo] Regex example in help.xml

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Nov 4 18:31:41 UTC 2013

Quoting Oscar del Rio <delrio at mie.utoronto.ca>:

> (I posted this under another thread. Re-posting in new thread)
> In ingo's help.xml file, the syntax in the "regex" example
> <heading>Regex</heading>
>     <para>Regex allows you to use complex POSIX compatible regular  
> expressions
>     to compare against message headers. Example: "Received from  
> [*\.*\.*\.*] by
>     (hosta|hostb).example.com*" would match "Received from [] by
>     hosta.example.com on Tuesday"</para>
> should the regex be   \[.*\..*\..*\..*\]  ?

I'd rather get rid of that example all together.  Since it isn't very  
useful (and doesn't work reliably).


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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