[ingo] Ingo error -Unable to load the transport driver "Ingo_Transport_".

Paul Griffith paulg at cse.yorku.ca
Thu Mar 5 18:15:21 UTC 2015

On 03/05/2015 12:44 PM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
> Quoting Paul Griffith <paulg at cse.yorku.ca>:
>> Hi Everyone,
>>    I am in the process of upgrading a very old installation of Horde 
>> to the latest version. I am running into a issue with Ingo. Currently 
>> we are running Ingo 1.2.1 and am trying to migrate the database to 
>> the new installation (Ingo 3.2.4).  When I try to convert the current 
>> filters from the preferences backend to the new database table, I get 
>> the following error.
>> ingo-convert-prefs-to-sql
>> php ingo-convert-prefs-to-sql < filename
>> Fatal Error:
>> Unable to load the transport driver "Ingo_Transport_".
>> In /local/horde/ingo/lib/Factory/Transport.php on line 67
>>  1. Horde_Registry::appInit() 
>> /local/horde/pear/ingo-convert-prefs-to-sql:32
>>  2. Horde_Registry->pushApp() 
>> /local/horde/pear/php/Horde/Registry.php:299
>>  3. Horde_Registry->_pushAppError() 
>> /local/horde/pear/php/Horde/Registry.php:1629
>>  4. Horde_Registry::appInit() 
>> /local/horde/pear/ingo-convert-prefs-to-sql:32
>>  5. Horde_Registry->pushApp() 
>> /local/horde/pear/php/Horde/Registry.php:299
>>  6. Horde_Registry->callAppMethod() 
>> /local/horde/pear/php/Horde/Registry.php:1624
>>  7. call_user_func_array() /local/horde/pear/php/Horde/Registry.php:1191
>>  8. Horde_Registry_Application->init()
>>  9. Ingo_Application->_init() 
>> /local/horde/pear/php/Horde/Registry/Application.php:105
>> 10. Ingo_Session::create() /local/horde/ingo/lib/Application.php:78
>> 11. Ingo_Factory_Transport->create() 
>> /local/horde/ingo/lib/Session.php:81
>> What do I need to fix this error.
> You probably haven't configured it correctly in 
> config/backends[.local].php

Thank You.. My backends.local.php was configured incorrectly.


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