[ingo] Migration from procmail to sieve

Joseba Torre joseba.torre at ehu.eus
Wed Sep 16 13:01:54 UTC 2015


we've been using horde for some years. Until this summer we used 
procmail filters, but we've changed to sieve for performance reasons.

Everything is working fine, but we've found a difference; if in my 
.procmailrc I had

* ^From:.*Joseba Torre

in sieve I have

if address :all :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :contains "From" "Joseba 
Torre"  {
     fileinto "JosebaTorre";

The problem is that this second one doesn't work, because in sieve 
address is only joseba.torre at ehu.eus, no

Joseba Torre <joseba.torre at ehu.eus>

The solution to this is replacing 'address' with 'header', but I haven't 
found how to do this in ingo (for the From field).

Any ideas?

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