[ingo] Forward Restrictions - Weiterleitung Beschränkung
Prößler, Reinhard
reinhard.proessler at uni-hamburg.de
Tue Sep 3 08:51:59 UTC 2019
Dear Horde Ingo User
Our Organisation does not want that employees can forward their private mail
to outside our organisation.
member at university > can forward -> member at google or member at anyprivate
This is seen as an injury of legal matters to the DGSVO
Relevant Documents might leave the organsisation by an automated process.
Has anybody an idea how I can restrict forwardings to a limited list of
given domains?
Maybe somebody has the same problem?
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Reinhard Prößler
Universitaet Hamburg
Regionales Rechenzentrum
Basis Infrastruktur (BIN)
Schlueterstrasse 70
D-20146 Hamburg
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