[jonah] jonah-cvs anonym access

eculp@encontacto.net eculp@encontacto.net
Thu Nov 21 16:22:13 2002

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>:

 | Zitat von Wilmer Guamán <geov@tacteam.de>:
 | > I want to provide the users anonym access to jonah, but without an
 | > account there
 | > is no news subscription.
 | Create a set of subscriptions with a valid account and copy the channel_list
 | pref's value of this account to the defaul_value in jonah/config/prefs.php

I tried this and have a question.  The list that I created as a test, dumped
from mysql and after base64 decoding is the following
apbusiness      1       0
aptech  1       1
slashdot        1       2
freebsddiary    1       3
bsdtoday        1       4
bbcbusiness     1       5
bbcscitech      1       6
freshports      1       7

Since I wasn't sure about declaring value, I decided to choose only one
for testing and inserted slashdot for testing and it didn't seem to work.

$_prefs['channel_list'] = array(
    'value' => 'slashdot',

Could you share with me what the correct format to declare a predefined 
prefs value for the channel list should be?




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