[jonah] Re: New Weather Setup/Configs

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Fri May 30 14:46:34 PDT 2003

Quoting Andy <andy at stronzo.d2g.com>:

> do you really get weather-data from interceptvector.com??

Most of the time, but not always.  Was broken last time I checked.
> It doesn't matter from where I insert the .tsv files, when trying to get them
> directly from interceptvector.com, I get a "permission denied". In Jonah no
> weather is available.

Sounds like the site is still down then.

> So this is again no problem of Jonah. Otherwise I like jonah very much; it


> has
> been a very fantastic thing. But in the moment it is (except the stocks)
> without any use for me.

Why?  No internal channels either?

> No weather

Probably just temporary.

> not beeing able to define external channels
> (or I am too stupid for this)

I've not seen you provide enough info to say if the problem is with 
Jonah or you.

> anyway: the documentation on behalf how to set
> up Jonah the right way is outdated or incomplete.

I updated it today.  Check it out, comment back.
> Or things did change dramatically and I am not aware of it.

They did change drastically (as far as install/configure) just recently.

> Andy

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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