[jonah] Re: New Weather Setup/Configs

Alan W. Rateliff, II lists at rateliff.net
Fri May 30 21:47:55 PDT 2003

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ruben van der Steenhoven" <ruben_donotspamme at webmeesters.nl>
To: <jonah at lists.horde.org>
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 6:40 PM
Subject: [jonah] Re: New Weather Setup/Configs

> At the moment there seems to be a problem with interceptvector.com, i
> don't get any weather either

Has anyone considered the option of providing a mirror to interceptvector?
Depending on the amount of bandwidth necessary, I would even consider doing
this myself.  It seems that this guy's doing his best to provide a free
service... a service that is steadily increasing in usage.

Am I correct in this?

       Alan W. Rateliff, II        :       RATELIFF.NET
 Independent Technology Consultant :    alan2 at rateliff.net
      (Office) 850/350-0260        :  (Mobile) 850/559-0100
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