[jonah] Som'thing strange happened to Jonah?

Ruben van der Steenhoven ruben_donotspamme at webmeesters.net
Thu Jun 5 02:29:43 PDT 2003


last couple of days Jonah doesn't give me any output anymore.
I am running the HEAD version of the full Horde application suite on 
Redhat 7.1 with Sendmail on a MySQL back end.
I have several Jonah blocks in the horde screen and no output is shown 
after the last non-Jonah block.
For clarification: i have the following blocks set-up:
| E-Mail             | Adressbook srch    |
| Weather Forecast   | Current Weather    |
| Headlines          | Headlines          |
| Sun Rise/Set       | Scry: Polls summ.  |
Only the first two blocks are shown.

In the Jonah screen only the 'Weather' and 'Stock quotes' header is 
shown, the rest of the page is blank.

Strange thing is, that no errors are shown.
Anyone have a clue ?
Thanks in Advance!

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