[jonah] Patch: Metar

Jan Legenhausen jleg at nrw.net
Fri Aug 8 08:08:23 PDT 2003


just installed CVS Horde stuff - and i was impressed, how much efforts have 
been made since i visited this 1,2 years ago...
Howerver, it seems Jonah is a bit broken, regarding the weather stuff. 
Interceptvector seems to be dead, the Horde structures seem to be a bit 
hardcoded towards this driver, whereas "metar" looked a bit abandoned.

So here's a sort of "patch/hack" to make metar working - bells and whistles 
(pictures, clouds) are still missing, but at least it works for us, giving 
some nifty weather data on the portal page... :-)

(attached: patch, sql for "jonah_weatherstations")

regards, Jan
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Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/jonah/attachments/20030808/1c6cfae3/jonah_metar.patch-0001.obj
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Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/jonah/attachments/20030808/1c6cfae3/weatherstations.sql-0001.obj

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