[jonah] invalid links

Dan Chlopek danc at wang-manor.com
Sat Apr 3 01:19:32 PST 2004

After digging through the Jonah code a bit to see where the strage 
looking links
were being generated, I found something in jonah/lib/News.php

News.php uses SERIALIZE_UTF7_BASIC option to the serialize function.  If I
change this to SERIALIZE_BASIC, everything works fine, and the urls generated
look normal.

Here's a diff:

<         $stories = $cache->getData($url,
'$timestamp'), SERIALIZE_UTF7_BASIC);", $interval);
<         $stories = Horde_Serialize::unserialize($stories,
>         $stories = $cache->getData($url, 
> "Horde_Serialize::serialize(Jonah_News::_fetchExternalStories('$url', 
> '$timestamp'), SERIALIZE_BASIC);", $interval);
>         $stories = Horde_Serialize::unserialize($stories, SERIALIZE_BASIC);

I'm not really sure why the UTF7 conversion is needed in there but it seems to
break things for me.  Any ideas??

Dan Chlopek
danc at wang-manor.com

Dan Chlopek <danc at wang-manor.com> wrote:

> I was just using the included sql script to add the news sources to my mysql
> database.
> These links are from the Slashdot source. Although most of the other news
> sources produce similar results.
> This is the source URL:
> http://slashdot.org/slashdot.rdf
> This is all with CVS code that I got 2 days ago.  I've tried to open the news
> links on mozilla firebird 0.7 on Solaris and various versions of
> firebird/firefox/exploder on Windows.
> I'm running Horde on RH linux 9.0 with php-4.2.2-17.2.
> Any other information I can provide?
> --
> Dan Chlopek
> danc at wang-manor.com
> Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
>> Zitat von Dan Chlopek <danc at wang-manor.com>:
>>> I'm seeing this issue as well.  I just did a fresh CVS install as 
>>> well. I was
>>> seeing this with my previous install, as well as the new one.
>>> Here's a sample link from Jonah:
>>> https://www.wang-manor.com/horde/services/go.php?url+AD0-http+ACU-3A+ACU-2F+ACU-2Fslashdot.org+ACU-2Farticle.pl+ACU-3Fsid+ACU-3D04+ACU-2F04+ACU-2F01+ACU-2F2127242x
>>> This causes mozilla to get stuck in a loop..
>>> Some links work ok, such as
>>> https://www.wang-manor.com/horde/services/go.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fslashdot.org%2Fsearch.pl
>> And where do these different links come from? That is, how can we reproduce
>> this?
>> Jan.
>> --
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