[jonah] Channel update slow

Marko Djukic mdjukic at horde.org
Wed Sep 1 02:06:00 PDT 2004

Quoting "Thomas M. O'Brien" <thomas at creativebusinessystems.com>:

> Hello,
> Using CVS updates at 09:20 PST today. Since then I've noticed that Johna is
> *very* slow to update channels. It reports that the channel updatated
> successfully and that there are no stories. My internet connection is stable
> and I've tried a number of different channels.
> I did update the framework after the CVS update.
> Any ideas?

I have 3 channels and they update fine, 4-5 secs for all of them. Not sure, what
you mean by "slow"... have you tried manually fetching the xml (eg. using
command line "fetch") and see if it is the sites themselves that are slow?

Marko Djukic
Horde Project (http://horde.org)

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