[jonah] Custom RSS Feed

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Jan 16 15:09:07 PST 2005

Zitat von Brandon Knitter <knitterb at blandsite.org>:

> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Zitat von Brandon Knitter <knitterb at blandsite.org>:
>>> Any thoughts on how that would be handled?  Perhaps the directory of
>>> feeds could
>>> additionally allow for user specific fields?
>> Not the directory, but as a third option, sure. The browser would probably
>> be a shortcut to enter feed details on a per-user basis anyway.
> Any thoughts on an implementation, or shall I take a whack at it and submit a
> reference implementation? :)

No, I have no implementaion ideas yet. A patch to start discussion would be


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