[jonah] Re: I want to fix DB Error: constraint violation error.

Rob Rosenfeld rosenfeld at alum.mit.edu
Wed Feb 16 13:51:04 PST 2005

Quoting Zachary Denison <zacharydenison at yahoo.com>:

> Hello,
> I just checked out jonah from the cvs today (I have
> the latest horde etc... from cvs) and am trying to
> debug a problem in jonah where you try to add a new
> rss feed and you get a constraint violation.  this
> problem seems to affect only adding new rss feeds.  I
> seem to have found the cause of the problem but I am
> not sure where to begin the fixing of it.  If you
> could give me a small pointer where to start, I can
> fix it.  Also what is the proper way to submit a
> change like this to you so that you can commit it so
> that everyone benefits from it, I am assuming that
> posting a diff to the entire list is not the best
> way..
> I seem to have localized the problem to:
> ~jonah/lib/News/sql.php
>        if (empty($info['channel_id'])) {
> ----> here the value is 0, this is correct.
>            $info['channel_id'] =
> $this->_db->nextId('jonah_channels');
> ----> here the value is set to that of one which
> already exists in the table, instead of returning
> 1+(the last channel_id) -- here is where I need some
> help, how is nextId determining the next id, because
> mysql_insert_id should not work here... since we
> havent inserted anything.  If you can point me in the
> right direction, I would love to fix this bug.
>            if (is_a($info['channel_id'],
> 'PEAR_Error')) {
>                Horde::logMessage($info['channel_id'],
> __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_ERR);
>                return $info['channel_id'];

I noticed this, too.  I fix it by incrementing the initial value on the 
last line of script.feeds.sql -ALTER SEQUENCE jonah_channels_seq 
+ALTER SEQUENCE jonah_channels_seq RESTART WITH 123;

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