[juno] Fwd: Status of Juno

Scott Carr scarr@progbits.com
Tue, 4 Jun 2002 16:26:09 -0500

Yep that about sums up my status at the moment.  I really would like to have
this module done.  It is in my best "financial" interest.  I can't keep a
checkbook to save my life, but if I had it easily accessible on the web, I might
have a prayer .  ;-)

Scott Carr
Whiteboard-Doc Maintainer

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> Quoting Rodolfo Segleau <segleaur@mechanus.org>:
> > Perhaps if someone (chuck?) explained what they need to do, I might be
> > able to help out a bit (though I would have to say that my php skills are
> > currently mediocre, LOL, but I can learn). 
> This is one Horde module that I'm actually not the lead on, so I can't say 
> what's needed. I do know that it's in early stages, and several people have
> said they have free time to work on it coming up soon.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> "What was and what may be, lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in
> the arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin
> -- 
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