[juno] status

Scott Carr scarr@progbits.com
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 13:37:23 -0500

You have got my vote to go ahead as well.  I am the original creator of the
project.   I have got some time coming up in the next couple weeks, but have
been swamped since the inception.
Scott Carr
Documentation Maintainer

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> Quoting Mathieu Legare <legare@uqtr.ca>:
> > I just wanted to know if the files in CVS are up to date enough to
> > start with (I read some messages on the archives about some work
> > done but not commited to CVS...).  I wanted to start coding some
> > basic stuff for juno...
> I'm not sure what the two people who mainly started this are up to, but if 
> you want to start coding, as far as I'm concerned, it's all you! Code stuff 
> up and submit it and we'll get it into CVS and get this thing jump-started.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> "After a few minutes the most aromatic and nice smelling Italian coffee 
>  will come out of the exhaustpipe." - Our stove-top espresso pot
> -- 
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