[klutz]Patch to my Patch for a klutz summary.

Jon Knepher jbk at wild-e.com
Wed Dec 4 07:43:53 2002

Sorry for the noise...  I fixed up my summary to make it match the other 
summaries, and to follow the coding standards better.  Oh, and I had a stupid 
off by one error on the rand line...



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Index: lib/api.php
RCS file: /repository/klutz/lib/api.php,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 api.php
--- lib/api.php	2 Dec 2002 21:21:40 -0000	1.6
+++ lib/api.php	4 Dec 2002 07:31:31 -0000
@@ -25,6 +25,14 @@
     'args' => array(),
     'type' => 'string');
+ * Return a string summary
+ *
+ * Either return a random strip from the user's selected strips,
+ * or all of them if the user has selected that as a preference.
+ *
+ * @return string      An HTML Table containing the comics
+ */
 function _klutz_summary()
     @define('KLUTZ_BASE', dirname(__FILE__) . '/..');
@@ -33,10 +41,19 @@
     global $prefs;
     $showall = $prefs->getValue('summ_showall');
+    $date = time();
     $summary = '';
     $summary .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">';
-    $summary .= '<tr><td class="header">Comics</td></tr>';
-    $date = time(); 
+    $summary .= '<tr><td class="header">';
+    $summary .= Horde::link(Horde::url('comics.php', 1), 'Comics', 'header');
+    $summary .= 'Comics</a> - ';
+    $linkurl = Horde::url('comics.php', 1);
+    $linkurl = Horde::addParameter($linkurl, 'actionID=' . KLUTZ_DISPLAY_DAY);
+    $linkurl = Horde::addParameter($linkurl, "date=$date");
+    $summary .= Horde::link($linkurl, "Today's Comics");
+    $summary .= Horde::img('klutz.gif');
+    $summary .= ' Today</a></td></tr>';
     // Get the list of comics to display.
     $comics = explode("\t", $prefs->getValue('viewcomics'));
@@ -56,21 +73,33 @@
                 $url = Horde::addParameter($url, 'actionID=' . KLUTZ_DISPLAY_IMAGE);
                 $url = Horde::addParameter($url, "date=$date");
                 $url = Horde::addParameter($url, "index=$index");
-                $summary .= '<tr><td><img alt="' . $name . '" src="' . $url . '" ' . $size . ' /></td></tr>';
+                $img = Horde::img($url, $name . ' by ' . $author, $size, '');
+                $linkurl = Horde::url('comics.php', 1);
+                $linkurl = Horde::addParameter($linkurl, 'actionID=' . KLUTZ_DISPLAY_COMIC);
+                $linkurl = Horde::addParameter($linkurl, "date=$date");
+                $linkurl = Horde::addParameter($linkurl, "index=$index");
+                $link = Horde::link($linkurl, $name . ' by ' . $author);
+                $summary .= '<tr><td>' . $link . $img . '</a></td></tr>';
     } else {
-    $index=$comicstoday[rand(0,count($comicstoday))];
-    $name = $klutz->getProperty($index, 'name');
-    $author = $klutz->getProperty($index, 'author');
-    if ($storage->imageExists($index, $date)) {
-        $size = $storage->imageSize($index, $date);
-        $url = Horde::url('comics.php', 1);
-        $url = Horde::addParameter($url, 'actionID=' . KLUTZ_DISPLAY_IMAGE);
-        $url = Horde::addParameter($url, "date=$date");
-        $url = Horde::addParameter($url, "index=$index");
-        $summary .= '<tr><td class="text">' . $name . ' by ' . $author . '</td></tr>';
-        $summary .= '<tr><td><img alt="' . $name . '" src="' . $url . '" ' . $size . ' /></td></tr>';
+        $index = $comicstoday[rand(0, count($comicstoday)-1)];
+        $name = $klutz->getProperty($index, 'name');
+        $author = $klutz->getProperty($index, 'author');
+        if ($storage->imageExists($index, $date)) {
+            $size = $storage->imageSize($index, $date);
+            $url = Horde::url('comics.php', 1);
+            $url = Horde::addParameter($url, 'actionID=' . KLUTZ_DISPLAY_IMAGE);
+            $url = Horde::addParameter($url, "date=$date");
+            $url = Horde::addParameter($url, "index=$index");
+            $img = Horde::img($url, $name . ' by ' . $author, $size, '');
+            $linkurl = Horde::url('comics.php', 1);
+            $linkurl = Horde::addParameter($linkurl, 'actionID=' . KLUTZ_DISPLAY_COMIC);
+            $linkurl = Horde::addParameter($linkurl, "date=$date");
+            $linkurl = Horde::addParameter($linkurl, "index=$index");
+            $link = Horde::link($linkurl, $name . ' by ' . $author);
+            $summary .= '<tr><td class="text">' . $link . $name . ' by ' . $author . '</a></td></tr>';
+            $summary .= '<tr><td>' . $link . $img . '</a></td></tr>';

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